Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Summer special recipes @saisuprabaathamhotel - Nutella GUNDPONGLU!!!

Sai Suprabaatham Veg Hotel in Vellore | Best vegetarian restaurants in vellore
Today's Menu For #summer special.. Nutella GUNDPONGLU!!! Check out @Saisuprabaathamveg..

Blog Name : Saisuprabaatham Hotel


Prepared Dosa Batter : 1 Cup
Nutella : 1Tbsp
Gundponglu Pan


1. Heat gundponglu pan. Oil the wells thoroughly.
2. Spoon dosa batter into the wells.
3. Cover and cook for 1 min.
4. When batter is half cooked, add 1/4tsp of Nutella on top of gundponglu.
5. I have left 3-4 plain gundponglu to cover the Nutella Gundponglu.
6. Flip the plain ones on top of the Nutella gundponglu and fry well till Gundponglu is cooked well.
7. Remove from the pan and prick a tooth pick in the center to serve.
8. Circles of Gundponglus in Triangular boxes for a boy who loves shapes.

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