Saturday, 24 June 2017

Summer special recipes @saisuprabaathamhotel - Channa CROUSTADES!!!

Sai Suprabaatham Veg Hotel in Vellore | Best vegetarian restaurants in vellore
Today's Menu For #summer special.. Channa CROUSTADES!!! Check out @Saisuprabaathamveg..

Blog Name : Saisuprabaatham Hotel


2 hot dog buns
3/4 cup channas - soak for 6-8 hours or overnight and boil
1 tbsp oil, 2 small spring onions - chopped including the greens
10 - 12 curry leaves, 1 green chilli - chopped
1 tomato - deseeded & chopped,
1 tsp Soya Sauce, 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
some mayonnaise or mustard, a few grapes or cherries


1. Cut 1 hot dog bun into half lengthwise. Scoop out the soft center portion of the lower halves with a knife, leaving a border.
2. Brush butter on the cut surface of all 4 pieces.
3. Grill all the 4 pieces.
4. For the filling, heat a tbsp oil in a pan, add white of spring onions & green chillies
5. Cook for 2 mins, stirring. Add boiled channas, soya sauce, curry leaves, salt & pepper.
6. Mix well, mashing the channas for about 3-4 mins. Add tomatoes, mix.
7. Add greens of spring onion. Mix. Remove from fire.
8. Spoon this hot mixture into grilled hollowed bread croustades.

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